Living Hope Fellowship is not about a building, a person or an event.  LHF  is about you.  

It is about people.  
We simply love God and love people.  
This is a place where you, your family and friends can feel loved  no matter what state of faith you are in.  We want you to see God and become who He created you to be.
We believe that support, growth and strength takes place in fellowship.  God never designed us be alone, but to be a community of believers united by common beliefs, purpose and goals.
There is a greater hope that is available to all of us.  That hope is JESUS!
As a fellowship of believers we are committed to the words and teachings of Jesus Christ.  It is our desire that people come to place their trust in Him to forgive and lead them in their every day lives.
Lead them where?  To our best life.
A life surrounded by His love, comforted by His peace and anchored by His hope.  A life of purpose, strength and true freedom!
MEET OUR LEADERS                         WHAT WE BELIEVE